Sunday, January 2, 2011


Today January 2, 2011 oriJENNal was born!

Welcome to my interesting/not so interesting blog!  I guess this is where I will be posting some of my day to day eventful/not so eventful life happenings.  I don't have perfect grammar and I don't always use correct punctuation...but I can make a sentence(bear with me)!  

After browsing through lots and lots of different blogs and almost religiously looking at lakejane I thought "Making my own blog sounds kinda fun?!" so here it is, my very own blog!  This feels a little like 4th grade when I started writing in my first and only diary.  It was bubble gum pink with darker pink ballet shoes printed all over the front and back, and my first post was about the first training bra I bought at K-Mart.  The only other post were lists of who my friends were and my feelings about my "boyfriend" who "broke up with me."  Hopefully I will keep up with my blog a little better than my pink diary.  I can't promise this blog to be as exciting but I'll try!